The case of the coronavirus is such a natural disaster in China’s recent history that it has undoubtedly caused the Chinese people to upset.
Preventing mutual traffic in cities is one of the steps taken by the Chinese government, whose emergence makes it clear to what extent the Chinese government is considering the threat. In this time of trouble, the state of Pakistan and the people are praying for their Chinese brothers. National representatives from Shehbaz Sharif to Bilawal Bhutto are making it clear that the hearts of the Pakistani nation are beating with their Chinese brothers. But in the meantime, a group has emerged on the media and on social media, which is also targeting the Chinese in these difficult moments.
This is the class that is against the friendship of Pakistan and China. When China-Pakistan Economic Corridor started in the previous regime, it was then those people started criticizing the Chinese president’s visit; they were criticizing not in the interest of any positive desire, China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a common interest of the two brotherly countries. But this group was trying to prove China Pakistan economic corridor as a suspicious and harmful in the eyes of the Pakistani people. And now days, They are linking the disaster with the internal issues of China and the eating habits of the Chinese people, which has nothing to do with the disaster so that these people are trying to establish negative attitudes . For example, Xinjiang is being linked to it. In China, the issue of eating and drinking is different from Pakistan and these different habits are being linked to the virus attack so that a concept can be established against China.
The same kind of negative propaganda was made about the former USSR, and the same strategy is being adopted about China. This requires a lot of caution. The coronavirus is a natural disaster and can and does happen to any country suffering from natural disasters. This is the story of the 2010-11 when dengue was attacked in Punjab and especially Lahore.
Earlier, it was an attack on Sri Lanka, affecting and killing thousands there. When Dengue entered Punjab, the deaths started. This was an unusual challenge for Shehbaz Sharif’s Punjab government. Foreign experts briefed him on this and told that thousands of deaths would occur in Lahore alone, and given the severity of the attack, it would not be possible to prevent these deaths because the past of the world suggests that the disaster could not be stopped. The government was very upset but still not discouraged and the government came out to save the citizens from dengue. All institutions were mobilized and mutually integrated. The Chief Minister did not just sit in the office and instruct them, but he himself came out into the field. His team’s capacity was increased to see their leader in the battlefield against natural disaster. Affected people data was collected from hospitals.
This data was scientifically analyzed to determine which areas were most affected in Lahore. These areas were identified by geographic information system and then focused on those areas. Dengue was defeated as a result and the Lahore model of success was made successfully. By the grace of God, the death toll was three hundred and fifty, though more than 25,000 were expected. Sri Lanka had control of the dengue in thirty years, but Punjab quickly conquered it. In view of all this, it is clear that it is not right to link natural disasters to particular situations. Therefore, it is to be hoped that our Chinese brothers will be able to overcome it.
The need is just to work very hard, and Chinese are proving their hard work capacity to establish 1000 beds hospital in few days. Chinese have resources, vision and hard work to defeat coronavirus. By the way, there are more stories about the coronavirus attack. For example, it is also being viewed as a biological attack. Regardless of whether it is a biological attack or not, it does make it clear that the possibility and fear of the use of biological weapons in the world has greatly increased, and if this type of weapon is made, it will not only be restricted by world powers. But the rest of the world will continue to be involved in the race as nuclear weapons race. Therefore, the international community must take steps to prevent this before it comes. No country should be exempted from this; otherwise the world would be at greater risk. Moreover, it is propagating that the Chinese economy is disturbed and it will unable to generate resources to fulfill the BRI and CPEC requirements. It is not an accurate analysis of the situation. BRI and CPEC will continue without any hurdle.