Rescue-1122 is working hard to protect the lives and the properties of the citizens, providing timely and effective emergency services by the trained staff said District Emergency Officer (DEO) Rawalpindi, Eng Sibghat Ullah.
He urged the citizens to call 1122 in case of any emergency as only timely calls can ensure a timely response.
He informed that a total of 472,186 calls were received on the Rescue 1122 Rawalpindi helpline in 2023. Out of the calls, 61,454 were related to accidents and emergencies which included road traffic accidents, fire incidents, crimes, drowning, building collapses, explosions, medical emergencies and miscellaneous incidents.
16,429 road traffic accidents, 1330 fire incidents, and 1808 crime incidents were reported to Rescue Rawalpindi in District Rawalpindi in 2023, he said adding, 30 drownings, 22 building collapses, 34 gas/cylinder explosions and 6786 miscellaneous incidents were reported during last year. 35,015 patients of medical emergencies were shifted to nearby hospitals while providing timely first aid, he informed.
Rescue Rawalpindi provided timely rescue services to 57,893 persons in 61,454 accidents and emergencies. Rescue 1122 is always available on one call to serve the people, he added.
He informed that Rawalpindi Rescue 1122 saved the lives of the victims in thousands of emergency operations conducted during last year and the emergency service maintained an average response time of less than 7 minutes. The DEO requested the people to inform the emergency service immediately in case of any accident or disaster. He also claimed that the response to fire incidents helped save properties and goods worth huge amounts from being gutted.